BFA Thesis Exhibit
Milo Timothy Shannon
Artist Statement
This body of work is characterized by strong symbolism, a flowing movement, and a fascination with the cycle of life. It tactfully and beautifully explores what happens to the body after death and how preservation affects this. The prints are distinguished by gestural poses, repetitive mark making, and a wide color palette. Each print depicts an animal intertwined with plants that would grow over a carcass. The sculptural aspects also depict an animal skeleton reconstructed from bone and bronze. The bones used were ethically sourced from roadkill that had been abandoned. Through careful processing, the salvageable bones were cleaned and saved. The broken bones were used to help create bronze prosthetics. The pelt was from a deer who lived in New York. It was shot for meat and processed locally. The pelt was not needed or wanted and was tanned and processed by the artist.

Chrysanthemums // Woodblock print, watercolor, acrylic // 36 x 44 inches

Chrysanthemums // Woodblock print, watercolor, acrylic // 36 x 44 inches

Suspense // Woodblock print, watercolor, acrylic // 38 x 50 inches

Suspense // Woodblock print, watercolor, acrylic // 38 x 50 inches

Suspense // Woodblock print, watercolor, acrylic // 38 x 50 inches

Extermination // Squirrel skull found in the woods, abandoned wasp nest, elephant ear leaf // 5 x 8 inches

Rebirthing // Opossum shoulder blades, Cedar clipping // 5 x 8 inches

Mags // Raccoon Bones, Bronze castings, dried berries, tree leaves and needles // 24 x 36 inches

Whitetail // A white tailed deer cape, black dye // 54 x 36 inches

Whitetail // A white tailed deer cape, black dye // 54 x 36 inches