BFA Thesis Exhibit

Jessica Lake


Artist Statement

…The sound of me.  
That’s where this journey began. The sound of me is what is being encapsulated in these motions of color. The notes that erupt from my soul. 
I feel a rush of emotions,  
like a wave come over me.  
Thoughts flowing through my mind, 
like seashells washing up to the shore. 
I close my eyes as I’m channeling my emotions, 
like a psychic channeling the dead.  
In my third eye I feel colors floating all around me,   
like leaves floating through the autumn breeze.  
I feel someone watching me… my soul watching thoughts enter my mind through a different lens, an intuitive lens. Through the chaos of color, I see a quiet moment. A moment of me. A moment of clarity and stillness in the chaotic energy.  
Life is full of chaos that I wish I could control but, the only thing I can control is myself.  
The smell of freshly opened wall paint fills my nostrils. The sound of Elvis Presley telling me he can’t help falling in love with me is descending from my paint covered headphones into my gold studded ears. I spill paint onto this fresh white surface just as a songwriter spills words onto a fresh white piece of paper. 
I’m standing in Home Depot gazing at paint samples. To my left there is a huge, smelly drooling dog looking up at me as if I am a fresh Milk bone. To my right is an old couple holding hands as they are politely arguing about the wanted color for their living room. And then there is me… standing in the abyss of chaos.  Me, intuitively studying these rows of sample cards just to find the perfect shade of purple… “Lavender Sky”. 
I stretch this yarn and drag it through these spills of vibrance just as much as I stretch my body over the surface and drag my arms and hands through the fume filled air.  
Gliding over the surface,  
like a dancer would on a stage.  
Using my body to create a new body… a body of work. 
                                    Noise                                                           Waves 
by Jessica Lake